In new young adult, coming-of-age romance, OUTLAW NIGHT, author Anastasia Blackwell explores the life of a teenage girl living in 1966, and the night that changes the course of her destiny.
Amidst turbulent change in America, Stacie Sheridan, a fifteen-year-old sophomore, falls in love-at-first-sight. The object of her obsession is Calvin Brewster, a star Portland, Oregon high school athlete and felon awaiting trial. At eighteen, he is a legal adult. Despite her parent’s strict rule she cannot ride in cars with boys, Stacie accepts Calvin’s invitation to join him and his buddy-in-crime on a road trip. The destination is a day of sun-bathing at the new Kah-Nee-Ta Hot Springs Indian Reservation public swimming pool.
Stacey enlists her thrill-seeking best friend, and they embark on a journey to the mysterious land. Not long after the foursome hits the border, their car breaks down. The guys are broke, and there is no money for gas, food, or repairs. Stranded, they must use their wits and cunning to survive the dangerous Native American territory. By nightfall, Stacie has transformed, and there is no turning back.
OUTLAW NIGHT is currently being adapted to a screenplay. This is the fourth novel published by Anastasia Blackwell. Her other works are contemporary gothic suspense,THE HOUSE ON BLACK LAKE, historical fantasy,THE CHAMBER OF CURIOSITIES, and urban sci-fi fantasy, I AM HUMAN. Anastasia’s stories are set in different time periods, in diverse genres, but all explore outcasts attempting to find a place for themselves in oppressive, patriarchal societies.